
Flotation Machine minerals by the magnetic force

After the ore from the mine to the pre-discharge cylinder strong magnetic minerals, is uniformly discharged to the mine belt, a belt to the disc by following magnetic gap, weakly magnetic minerals by the magnetic force, is attracted to the disc tip teeth, and with the sides of the disk to rotate with the belt,Flotation Machine where due to a sharp decline in the intensity of the magnetic field, so that under the action of gravity and centrifugal force, the sides of the belt behind the trough magnetic product (usually concentrate); non- magnetic products shipped to the tailing end of the belt into a trough in the non-magnetic product (usually tailings). Operational factors disc magnetic separator mainly to the mining thickness, magnetic field strength, work to mine clearance and speed.
Slow rotation of the rotating ring in the selected field, when the separation chamber into the magnetic field, the magnetization of the tooth plate is quickly. At this point the pulp distributor selected materials are given to the six points, respectively, sorting, weakly magnetic mineral particles being sucked in with the tooth plate and sorting ring rotation. Non-magnetic mineral particles in the slurry flows under gravity through the tooth plate gap of the ring into the lower part of the sorting groove tailings. Go to the sorting room in the mine when the cleaning position,Magnetic Separator a small amount of water to wash into the gangue inclusions, with the living body wash into the tailings and sludge tank (the machine is not set up in mine shafts), in order to achieve improved quality of concentrate purposes. When sorting room to a weak magnetic field position (concentrate rinse area), is injected into the water pressure will suck the tooth plate weakly magnetic mineral particles into the concentrate tank. Then the sorting room to another area of ??opposite magnetic polarity, each revolution of the sorting ring, wherein each separation chamber is repeated six times.

